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Academic Council Members 2017-2018

Noreen Taylor
President and Vice-Chancellor (Chair) Steven Murphy
Interim Provost (Vice-Chair) Robert Bailey
Interim Vice-President, Research,
Innovation  & International
Douglas Holdway
Associate Provost
Dean of Graduate Studies Langis Roy
University Librarian Catherine Davidson
VP External Relations & Advancement Susan McGovern
Registrar Joe Stokes
Dean of Business & Information Technology Pamela Ritchie
Interim Dean of Education Maurice DiGiuseppe
Dean of Engineering & Applied Science Tarlochan Sidhu
Dean of Health Sciences Lori Livingston
Dean of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science Akira Tokuhiro
Dean of Science Greg Crawford
Dean of Social Science & Humanities Peter Stoett
Faculty - Business & Information Technology Andrew Hogue
Faculty -Business & Information Technology Kamal Smimou
Faculty - Education Ann LeSage
Faculty - Energy Systems & Nuclear Science Hossam Gaber
Faculty - Engineering & Applied Science Ahmad Barari
Faculty - Engineering & Applied Science Hossam Kishawy
Faculty - Health Sciences Meghann Lloyd
Faculty - Science Jean-Paul
Faculty - Science Mark Green
Faculty - Social Science & Humanities Thomas McMorrow
Faculty - Social Science & Humanities Sharon Lauricella
Faculty - At-Large Mikael Eklund
Faculty -At-Large Terry Wu
Faculty - At-Large Andrea Kirkwood
Faculty - At-Large Kimberly Nugent
Faculty - At-Large Hannah Scott
Undergraduate Student Safwan Alam
Undergraduate Student Sai Tejus Tuppal
Graduate Student Peter Asiedu-Boateng
Staff Member Jessica Clarke
CFO (non-voting) Craig Elliott
Secretary (non-voting) Cheryl Foy